In the chambers - percussion, pipes and wind regulators
Maintaining the Riviera Wurlitzer
Circuitry and onstage color 
The Mighty Wurlitzer is an amazing collection of musical instruments, connected to the colorful console by electronic circuitry and operated by wind power. There are almost countless parts, most of which are over eighty years old and still operating. The fact that this instrument is still producing much the same sound as its original installers heard is due not only to the great expertise of theatre organ makers but also to a dedicated team of voluntary enthusiasts who, over the years, have helped to maintain and restore this musical treasure.
Organ maintenance requires the multiple skills of carpenters, electricians, joiners, plumbers, metalworkers and tuners. Unlike the modern electronic organ which can be repaired by the simple replacement of a new circuit board, the Riviera Wurlitzer relis on the knowledge and skill of organ construction passed down from Wurlitzer's own specialists.
As you can imagine, even with voluntary labor and oversight there is a need for regular infusions of money in order to keep up with the costs of maintenance. It also is necessary for sufficient funds to compensate the skilled players needed to make the Mighty Wurlitzer sound as magnificent as its designers intended.
If you would like to assist with a financial donation, please go to our Donations Page.
