(From Oliver Barron )Area 20)

In the last issue of the National Newsletter our Secretary Brain Savage commented that Oliver Barron had tried some 3M 1000 ASA. slide film, but had not yet seen any results. Oliver has sent these comments.

Ron Croad (Area 20 slide folio secretary) tried some 3m 1000 ASA. reversal film and the results were so dense that something had obviously gone wrong. He sent me some more test slides taken under poor lighting conditions in the Hendon Aero Museum. These seem very good when in a hand viewer. Later I examined them under projection. 

The lighting in the museum was flourescent and all exposures were made at 1/30 at F 5.6 - F 8. For most of the slides this was OK, but a few were underexposed. I imagine the lighting would have not been uniform throughout the whole area of the museum and that would account for a few exposure errors. I obviously can’t comment on how true the colours were, but Ron assures me they were good. 

For a comparison test, he took 3 frames on Barfen CRX 100. Flash was not allowed or the use of a tripod, so with the long exposures necessary and hand held, there was camera shake, but the 3 frames had a bad green cast. Ron suggests this was due to the flourescent lighting. As the 3M were, not so affected. I would suggest the fault may have been reciprocity failure. The Barfen test piece and the 3M film were processed simultaniously in the same tank, using the normal Arnold Moorhouse formulae which do not give Ron a green cast normally on Barfen CRXIOO so processed. I can confirm this, having seen many of his similar slides. 

The definition of the 3M was good and I don’t think the grain was objectionable, although Ron is not so sure. Obviously it must be worse on the high speed film, but where lighting conditions are such that you have to use a fast film or get ‘no’ pies.. well you pay your money and take your choice. . Of course, no one is going to use 1000 ASA in bright light sun at the seaside. If you did, you’d need a N.D. filter X, ‘x’ where ‘x’ is a large number. I certainly think the film has it’s uses.

Letter From Canada Editorial CRCMain

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