Annual General Meeting, 12th, April 1997 at Repton School, Repton, Derbyshire

Committee members present:             K. Craske, P. Guy, W. Reid, Sandra Craske, B. Savage.
Apologies for absence:                      G. Sparks, J. Podmore, E. Denniss,  R. Salmons, B. Asquith.

The minutes                                        of the 1996 meeting were read and approved. 

Matters arrising                                 The Chairman informed the meeting as to the reasons for changes of

Chairman's Report                            The Chairman commented on the recent committee changes he also thought that the
                                                               membership were reasonably
happy with the Newsletter content.

Secretary's Report                             The Secretary told the meeting that a valued member in   Reg Cornish from area 20,
had passed away, Reg had been a member of the club for many years.

The club has had some very good publicity coverage, with a full page spread in 35mm Photographer magazine and     with the hope that it may recruit more members. Thanks went to Ron Croad, and Colin Powell for their loyal      service to the club.

Treasurer's Report                             The Treasurer explained that the sheet was presented as  a trading and not as a statement of asset, as she did    not have all the required details and there have also been problems with the local bank and this had slowed    down full presentation. The Treasurer was asked "Why the committee honourarium was not shown on the accounts?"    the Treasurer said that after discussions in committee   none of the committee wished to claim any honourarium.   It was proposed by:- G. Low Area 14, seconded by Les     Jones Area 9, that Committee members should be eligible  to claim out of pocket expenses for travel. In the event that they don't wish to claim those expenses, they       should be recorded as a donation to club funds:

                                                                Film sales: Cash Balance Stands at   £ 310. 56p
Film stock at 31/3/97                £2250. 08p
Total assets                         £ 560. 64p
 Current Account                      £1059. 83p
 Deposit Account                      £1429. 25p

Proposal the report be approved, Henry Jenner seconded Nick Williams.

Editors Report                                      The Editor said he was quite pleased with the resentation of the Newsletter, but he
                                                                 requested more    copy from the membership.

Election of Officers                             Chairman: K. Craske, Secretary: P. Guy, Treasurer: S.   Craske, Membership Sec. & Newsletter Editor: W. Reid,    Chemical Sales: K. Craske, Technical Officers: Brian     Savage, Lewrence Edwards, Film Sales: R. Croad. Proposed by Eric Weatherill, seconded Henry Jenner, that the committee be elected on block.

Constitution                                         Addendum to Rule 12 of the Constitution, Colour Reversal

Club. Proposed by H.H. Sanders, Area 15, Seconded by     B.J. Murphy Area 15. Rule 12A:- That in the event of     Rule 12 being actioned upon, only members with at least  five years fully paid up membership shall be eligible to receive any distribution of funds. Vote taken, unanimous against. The Chairman stated that this was not a any     reflection on Mr.Sanders original proposal.

Constitution                                         Addendum to Rule 12 of the Constitution, Colour Reversal

Club. Rule 12A That in the event of Rule 12 being actioned upon, only members with at least five consecutive years fully paid up membership to the date of the EGM shall be eligible to receive any distribution of funds. CLAUSE 12a being applicable to members joining after 12th, April 1997. Proposed by G.Low Area 14,  Seconded H. Williams, Area 9. Voting was unanimous for   the motion.

A.O.B.                                                    The meeting were informed of some of the future         

financial idea's for the club which had already been partially discussed at committee, and would be actively  pursued after the AGM. was that all yearly subscriptions are be returned to the Treasurer, the area would then  request from the Treasurer their running costs for that  year. And another was to issue guide lines to all Area  Co-ordinators, and it is hoped that this would help with any problems the committee may have with Area's and      vice-versa, it would also help with future planning. It  was also suggested that the Club should celebrate the  millenium in some way. The meeting was asked by Mrs.     Asquith representing Brian Asquith the Club librarian asked if members still wanted a library? as it had been  so under used in the past few years. Most of the members agreed that the library should be kept, and be promoted  and pursued.

                                                               The meeting closed at 1.00pm

Chairman's Comments Editorial CRCMain

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