Members present: R Croad, C Powell, H Sanders, R Lewis, W Reid, T. Chuter, B Savage,  E Weatherill, and G Sparkes. With apology for absence from Eddie Pearce. 

(1) At the start of the meeting it was proposed that Tony Chuter of Area 18 be appointed Publicity Officer, The proposal had the unanimous backing of the Committee.

George Sparkes and Eric Weatherill were .invited to attend the meeting as representatives of the area Leadership, and the Secretary proposed that there should in future be representatives on the Committee with full voting rights. Eric and George were co-opted. for the rest of the’ year. 

(2) Treasurer’s report Colin Powell reported that the Club had a balance of £1438.78 at present in the Bank, Since the start of the current financial year our expenditure has been £209 29 more than our income The main cause of the loss being printing of Publicity material and failure of some Areas to send in their current member’s names and Subscriptions At the time of the meeting current membership numbered 166 It was felt that the true figure was nearer 250 Bill Reid tolled the meeting that as Editor he was sending  out 338 copies of the ‘newsletter and it was, agreed that the Leaders, Membership Sec. and Editor should lisse to sort out the problem. Bob Lewis said he would, organise a letter to the Leaders on the subject. 

(3) Membership Secretary’s report. To question of the durability of each member having a membership card as discussed at some length.. Bert Sanders (Chairman) put put forward the view that if we hold a National Slide Competition, a membership number would preserve anonymity. Others thought that if members sent in slides they would want their names on them as an insurance against loss. The Membership Sec Bob Lewis could not see any advantage from his point of view when keeping -the membership records It was felt that in the end, the possible benefits were outweighed by the extra work involved. 

(4) Editor’s Report - next Didcot Meeting The editor reported that copy for the newsletter was not flowing as well as in the past, and members were asked to keep. up the. flow of material. It was decided that the A.G.M. would be held at Didcot again as this was a convenient venue for a high proportion of the members as a lot of members hadn’t a chance to show slides at the previous meetings, it was thought to be a good idea to ask members to limit A/V presentations to 15 minutes, and other presentations to 36 exposure ‘cassette. (More may be kept on. hand’ if a second showing  become available). It was suggested that a date near the spring’ bank holiday would be a better time than our usual ‘bank hol­iday date. Bill undertook to investigate the availability of the Hall. 

(5) The news that Bill Wilson of Area 18 had decided to resign from the Leadership, was heard with regret The Committee felt that if no member of that Area could be found to take over, then. Eric Clark: of Area 16/17 could be asked to form a New Area covering the whole of the West Country. The field of the club’s Area policy a whole was discussed, as it was felt to be .a bit unsatisfactory. Some Areas were felt to be getting a raw, deal while others are full of activity. Area 1 (Scotland) has had no Leader for ages.  The Committee could not come up with any other system, which would work without, causing other’ problems, so the item was left unresolved. 

(6) Subscription rates for 1987 will remain the same as they are now (£3.50). It was, felt that there was no need for any change at present. The Chairman asked if member’s could pay by Banker order. It was felt that this may complicate the system, especially if the Treasurer was involved, If any one does wish to pay by this method then a form will, be printed in the newsletter (once a correct form can be worked out), which can be made out to each member’s Area Leader. 

(7) Competition. The Club’s chairman proposed that a National Slide Competition be organised, with Area’s taking it in turn to be hosts in succeeding years Bert said he would be willing to help get the Competition under way and, to that end would write .to photographic firms for possible sponsors, and to Leaders to see if any Area would like to contribute to a trophy,  It was envisaged that there would be a main trophy named after Fred Harvey who founded the Club, plus smaller trophies for the runners up. If sponsors are not forthcoming it was felt that the Club could provide something in the way of trophies. The winners would hold the trophies for a year and they would be presented at the A.G.M. 

(8) Other Business. A letter was received from Eric Clark,. Leader of. Area16/17 in which he stated that it was impossible to run his area on a viable basis The previous Leader had emigrated leaving him with no funds whatever. It was agreed to forward a small sum to keep the Area running from Central Funds.

Water, Ph and all that Editorial CRCMain

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