With Ron Knowles

WHAT TO ME is an unusual problem arose recently when a chappie mentioned the dangers of buying colour materials from retailers who, either in ignorance or an attitude of total indifference to ensuring the customer is a satisfied customer, still serves sentisized materials from the open shelves in his centrally heated shop. 

“The laddie I’m talking about assures me that in Lincoln he visits several dealers on a fairly regular basis and he actually noticed bromide paper and colour film in precisely the same spot on the shelf even though the visit may well have been weeks apart. He assures me that he has not seen evidence of a fridge or cool showcase at shops in this particular town. 

This is a disgraceful state of affairs and I set out to make inquiries elsewhere and found a much brighter picture. In Cleethorpes for instance the two camera shops I know both have fridges and any film or paper, particularly colour is produced from a back room and so cold that it has obviously come directly from some “cooler”. 

In Manchester, I’m told, Jessops and Lomax both have showcases with cooling system built in Agfa materials are on show in the special refridgerated showcases supplied by that firm. So Mancunians are well served in this respect. 

But the poor old Lincolnian is left carrying a baby which is not as cool as it should be.  So I say to picture takers in that City complain to the offending dealers. This sort of affair should not be tollerated and if there is sufficient’ pressure brought to bear the position could well be righted. As it should be. 

THREE FRIENDS of mine have been in trouble recently and have called on me for help. I’M talking of photographic trouble, of course. First came Roy Johnson a member of C. R. C. who embarked on a picture taking session only to find his film winding somewhat more stubborn than he thought normal. He was right. For the velvet light trap on his re-loadable cassette had folded back on itself causing the film to jamb. The taking session was quite obviously abandoned and Roy had little choice than to retire to the dark-room. Where the trouble was quickly traced and the offending film removed and reloaded into another cassette.

This is not fortunately, a problem encountered all that often although I have occasionally had it happen to me. Just shows that a few minutes spent checking this sort of annoying occurrence can save a great deal of wasted time ... apart from the frustration at having a session interupted in this fashion. 

Then my niece came to me with a tale of woe, Her mirror had stuck. No Sir. NOT the one on her dressing table. Within the innards of her Pentax this one was. Someone suggested a spot of Three–in-one oil thinned down with paraffin. Throwing up my arms in sheer ‘horror I persuaded her to let ME’have a look before’ subjecting the poor instrument to the ravages of an uncaring imbecile. A little gentle talk to Pentax allied to some careful easing of it’s vitals and the trouble was a thing of the past. 

Some careful, and caring, advice followed mind. Never touch the surface of the mirror in a single lens reflex, I tolled her. “Why not, says she. “Because” says I, “The thing is not as other mirrors. A camera mirror carries silver on the surface “ I say. “And the slightest pressure, together with the grease from your grubby little fingers can, and will play havoc with the sensitive surface. And further, I said, “If you try to clean it you will most probably impare the surface for ever. In fact PERMANENTLY” Amazing how little knowledge some people ‘have, don’t you agree? 

Then there’s Rita. She lives in my neck of the woods and quite recently suffered a coronary. So she has given up work. Left the running of her beauty-parlour to the staff, in fact. So she decided on a hobby, you see. What kind of hobby? Can you guess?

Here And There (Two) Editorial CRCMain

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