Now I have my computer in the den, I am gradually compiling a disc of photographic formula, so that I can use them whilst I am operating in the darkroom. In due course, I may haver some quite useful programmes to pass on to other computerised photographers - free of course to CR Club members! Don`t write in and ask for it yet. It is likely to be a few months before it evolves. Anthony Green (Area Leader).

Due to a fall in members and a lack of funds, meetings which were held every second Thursday in the month, have now been suspended. Bert Sanders is, in the meantime, hoping to organise social evenings at other venues, where slides and A/V shows can still be held.

Oliver Barron reports that he enjoyed the Didcot meeting so much that he is already looking forward to the next meeting on 29th May 1988. He notes that again a large proportion of the attendants travelled from some distance whilst not so many from a closer range managed to be there.

Oliver`s stock of chemicals has been well increased through the donation of various chemicals from Frank Beaumomt`s employers. These chemicals will be sold along with the others at current prices. The idea is that through this method, Oliver intends to keep the price of all his chemicals as low as possible.

Following an appeal by Oliver to Area 20 members for information on |CD2, help arrived from Gordon Barrow, Terry Dennet, Les Pettit, Mac Spencer and Geoff Webb. Oliver now believes that he has accurate details of the relationships of various colour agents to one another, including the CD2. However, some mysteries remain: May & Baker, who pioneered the well known colour agent, Genochrome, differ in what they say it is in two places in the same article! Kodak also give a molecular weight for an agent which appears to be Genochrome, but which differs from the molecular weights of May & Baker`s two versions of their Genochrome! Oliver would like to discover a way of using CD2 as a suitable substitute for CD3 and would welcome any comments on the subject, or indeed, any volunteers who would be willing to perform some experiments. The Chemical will, of course, be supplied.
Shall I brew? Shall I stew? Will it work with CD2?

Oliver was recently rushed to hospital with a suspected broken pelvis. Fortunately, it turned out to be nothing more serious than some severe bruising. I hope that Oliver is well recovered by the time this is published.

I have just processed a reel of Fuji Professional 100, Labachrome 100 and Barfen (Konica) 100 in one tank, using the formula I have found so successful with Fuji. After first development, the Fuji and Barfen (Konica) looked similar with a black negative image on a grey background, but the Labachrome looked yellow from the emulsion side and orange from the back. After completion of processing, and still wet, the Fuji looked a trifle warm, the Labachrome very warm and the Barfen (Konica) definitely greenish. Final assessment follows. The Fuji was well exposed, colour balance neutral with good whites and blacks, shadows neutral and rebates a dense neutral. The Labachrome was 1/3 over-exposed, colour warm, with reds becoming orange but blues good, flash exposure good and rebates a dark green. The Konica (Barfen) was well exposed but had an overall blue-green cast and rebates were very dark green.

George Sparkes (Area Leader).

Chrome Six Process Editorial CRCMain



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