First of all an apology. If this copy of CRC News is a bit late then it is almost certainly due to me. The problem was knowing what to write, and for once it was not lack of thoughts.  The truth is this is the 5th attempt at writing my bit for the magazine. I have been put in the position much akin to a politician in that sometimes it is better to be a back bencher where you can say what you like rather than a minister where you have to toe the party line. In this case, as Chairman, I feel that I am not able to say what I feel, instead I report what may be regarded as a watered down version. 

It has to be acknowledged that the CRC has an internal administrative problem concerning area 22 and your elected committee has spent a lot of time in thought and telephone conversations to try and resolve the differences. At best it can be said that there has been gross misunderstanding of the thoughts and wishes of the NEC by area 22 but I assure you that your representatives will do their utmost to resolve the situation. It is a pity really that so much time is being spent on what really is politics and not photography. In fact, at one point, the subject of area 22 wore me down so much that I just had to switch off for a week or so. I really wanted to get down to preparing a slide presentation for Didcot, but regrettably, for a time, photography was the last thing I wanted to do and now I do not feel that arranging the presentation is achievable now. Not only that, but other things which the NEC really wanted to see if any improvements could be made, like the library for instance, have had to stand in the sidelines. 

Anyway, back to the real CRC.  Summer is now gone and winter approaches with it a change in subject matter. I can predict what we will see in the newsagents shelves, we do every year with the regular magazines. You have seen it all before, November 5th and how to photograph fireworks, Christmas, Snow. Yes, we have to remember that there is a fresh supply of new photographers always coming along so there is a need to keep repeating the subjects, perhaps with just an update to take account of improved technology, but this is where the CRC comes in. Although the CRC News is slightly seasonal, it also has an above average content of original material. 

Yes, if you look back you will see certain subjects revisited but certainly not with the regularity of the mass magazines. No, we cater for the specialist and the innovative. As photography spans so many subjects, and although we do limit or recording medium, the subject for conversation is almost limitless. But you will note that I said that there is always a fresh supply of photographs coming along, but do we see them in the CRC, I think that we do not see our fair share. When I attend a CRC meeting, the thing that always impresses me is that there is always something new to talk about, and by the time you read this I will have the privilege to attend another meeting and represent the CRC and hopefully meet yet another group of people with a like interest and with a bit of luck, we might gain a new member or two. The magazine is the backbone of the club and it is you who write the magazine, remember that as I write this, I have no idea what else is going in. I have to admit however that I do see the end result first as I also print it (together with Sandra).. But I must say, I would like to hear from anyone who would like to make suggestions as to how we may improve the club, or indeed if there is something which you do not like about the club, I am afraid that we cannot put a 'suggestion box' at the door, but you do have such a box near you - its called a post box (or email if you like). In that way, by you giving feedback, we can ensure the longevity of our association. Not only that, but write to Bill with your suggestions so that it can be published and publically debated, all be it on a rather slow basis. The one thing I would point out about the last sugestion though, the magazine is not the medium, in my opinion, for a slagging match!

Well, its time for the plug, and yes you've guessed it. I hope that we will be in time to remind you to come along to Didcot. Remember, USE IT, OR LOSE IT!

An Estate Agent's View! Editorial CRCMain

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