A warm welcome to new member, Douglas Macintosh (Area 3) who lives on the Isle of Man. Douglas is a keen cine user
and has already won Roy Salmons' slide competition with a 6 x 4.5 cm Fujichrome Velvia picture. "Its the first award of
any kind gained in my photographic career, though the first I have entered".

Douglas has kindly reacted to the latest concerns shown as to the way the Club is heading at this time of change. His
main concern is the lack of items "Colour Reversal" in the Newsletter. This, of course, all depends on members sending
in copy of their latest photographic activities and passing on any "news" they hear/read about in the commercial market. Possibly, many of the subjects Douglas is interested in may have been covered in past Newsletters, but there is still
considerable need for new copy on whats happening in our hobby. There follows, a few suggestion that Douglas feels
can be forwarded and discussed by members:

1. Emulsions - The raisons d' etre of the Club. What is happening ?? There is a continuing commercial war between Fuji
and Kodak principally to make constant improvements in their colour materials. Who is testing these ? Some members
MUST be, surely, so can we not expect them to submit personal reports on their findings ? The latest arrival on the
scene are Kodak's 'Professional' E100 VS and E200 emulsions. Similarly materials or formats are withdrawn. The past year
has seen the demise of Kodak's 126 Instamatic cartridge, their Super 8 Ektasound cartridge and Fuji's Single-8 cassette
(except in Japan?). These are important developments in our colour reversal medium which need some discussion and

2. New cameras and Lenses - Yes, they're still being introduced. What are they like for shooting transparencies? Are
"Compacts" up to this job?

3. Old Cameras and Lenses - Equipment that members prefer to use and their reasons why.

4. New Projectors - Again new ones keep appearing and at rather amazing prices at the top of the range. What is one
paying for?

5. Old Projectors - Members' preferred equipment and why.

6. Screens - With so few manufacturers left, what is now available.

7. Projector Accessories - Stands, laser pointers etc. Slide mounts, magazines.

8. Cinematography - A field that employs colour reversal almost exclusively.

9. Stereoscopy - Likewise, though there is a Stereoscopic Society.

Well folks, its over to you! If you have anything to say about Douglas's comments please pass them on to the club editor.


Storm Warning Editorial CRCMain

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