We are now half way through summer, with weather which from a photographer`s point of view is hard to beat. Is it the Global warming or just a natural cycle of the weather? Whatever it is Sue and I are getting through more film than ever before.

The AGM went off very well at Didcot. It is great to be able to chat to old friends and see such good samples of other`s work. The stalls selling Film, Chemicals, TFM items, and Second Hand oddments. All Helped to make the day interesting. The day seemed to fly by and I deeply regret not having enough time to meet all the people that I wanted to have a chat with.

There were some good slides shows and it is interesting to see how much the quality has improved over the last few years.

Sandra Craske has agreed to take over the job of Membership Secretary and we all wish her well with the post. Enquiries on membership matters should go to:- Mrs. S. Craske, 17. Providence Place. Briston, Melton Constable, Norfolk. NR24 2ZH. Phone (0263-890602).

The prices of Konica Slide Film was all increased on Jan. 1st. New prices are mentioned elsewhere. 10m bulk tins have been a bit of a problem as Konica have run out of this type, and it is the best buy we have, then it will be worth giving m,e a ring to find out if it is available.

S.R.B. has abandoned it`s Club Link discount system. It was used so little, it became a waste of time and energy. There will be special offers, but these will be advertised through the normal channels (Photographic Press).

Members voted to raise the subscription by 1991 by 50p as the present £2.00 which is used by the Central Committee does not cover the cost of printing and distributing the Newsletter. The only other option would be to print a simpler type of Newsletter. members thought that would be a backward step.

Ammonium Thiosulphate in its crystaline form is getting rather hard to obtain. I have not used it for some time as I find that it is much more convenient to use it in its concentrated liquid form. In future I will be selling 500ml bottles which are the equivalent of 400gm of crystal. Cost will be £2.00. Please add to your price list.

There has been very little information from Areas this last few months. Only two have sent us their Newsletters. We can`t let the rest of the Club know what is happening if you don`t tell us, so keep the news pouring in please.

Ron Croad.

Area News Editorial CRCMain

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