I hope that you had a jolly good festive season, and may I take this opportunity although it be late in wishing you "A Very Happy 1997". 

Christmas shopping was a last minute affair for us, as Eileen and I did not return from holiday until late November, and I did manage to get through 14 rolls of Velvia film, and I did the annual cock-up  with two rolls, they were exposed at 100ASA and not at the correct rating of 50 ASA for Velvia, so I am keeping fingers crossed and hope for the push processing to do ts stuff, and I will let you know what happens.

You will I`m sure have noticed in the most recent newsletter that committee changes have taken place, and that I have moved to one side to try to fill Ron`s shoes as Secretary, and that kevin has taken over as Chairman. Kevin`s wife Sandra, has also kindly taken up the Treasurers post. I was very pleased that they both accepted as they have done a  great deal of work for the club in the past, mostly in the background due to Kevin`s work commitments, but still very much appreciated, they are a good team, and many thanks once again. Now that the committee is back to full strength, I am sure that the club is on a firm strong footing for the future, and after my trip to "Photokina" last September, I think that this showed that silver halide still has a very good future, and that the electronic medium will run parallel with it. 

I am also pleased to tell you that Ron Croad is continuing with film sales, but as he is now retired he is having more holidays and so will not be at home as much as he used to, please if you are going on holiday, or you need film for a special event, please try to give Ron at least three weeks notice so that you will get your film in time, also the best time I have found for contacting him during the winter is either before 11am or after 4pm. Ron has also told me, that he can now supply `Konica` print film in 30 metre tins, please contact Ron for prices etc, his address and telephone number are in the newsletter (page 16). 

By the time you read this newsletter, we will have arrangements well under way for this years Show/AGM, and I hope this will be one of the best insertions into your new 97 diary. After last years success we again booked the `Undercroft` at Repton School, Repton Derbyshire, and we have gone one better and have also booked the `Tithe barn` which was originally the collecting point for the tithes and taxes for the Augustinian monastery, and is now a proper projection room with a seating capacity for 150. It is only about 30 yards or so from the Undercroft, so we will set up all the projectors and equipment in this room, and will be locked and we will not have to black out the lovely windows and spoil the setting in the Undercroft. 

Also gaining experience from last year, when time got the better of us, we hope to start earlier and get the club business out of the way as quickly as possible so that we can get onto the main entertainment events sooner, so I hope the program will be as follows, doors will be open from 10.00 AM with meeting friends and chatting and coffee, with the AGM starting at 11.15, with luck we could be finished about 6pm. At present we have no final program, and this is where you come in to the equation, and I hope you will supply the rest of the entertainment for the day. As I have said before, I would like to get more members involved, and this year I would like to try a 10 for 10 slot, and this is for a member to show ten slides and give a little talk on them for ten minutes, and this can be on any subject or theme. This event is not all we require so if you have just a few slides or a slide/AV that you wish to show, we will of course make time available for it. 

Also, after last years success of the "Slide of the Year" competition, we will run this again, the trophy was won last year by John batty from Area 11, will John win again this year? he could have a lot of stiff opposition  this year. I think we should though, limit the entries to three slides per member, but if we have too many we will have to cut it down to 2 slides, but you do not have to beat Repton to enter (but I hope you will) so please let me have your slides as soon as possible, and also to put them in order of preference. If you wish to show prints (we had some great ones last year) or take a part in any of the days events with any slides or AV`s etc, Please!, let me have details as soon as possible. I know it seems a long time way off, but time goes very quickly, and it would be nice to have a completed program by the middle of March! Your help and Club support is very much appreciated. 

As Repton is such a lovely historic village, it will pay you to get there early, and to have a walk around the grounds and buildings, there is plenty of scope for some pictures. I saw, and liked the shots that some of our members took at last years show, (they were shown at the October Didcot meet), and with the weather being kind, there was some good stuff, if you make the effort to attend I am sure you will enjoy the day, again, as I always have said Its your Club, you pays the subs. You are the only one who can make it a success. If you would like to stay in the village either before or after the meeting, I can thoroughly recommend `Bower Lodge` for Bed & Breakfast, I stayed there last year, and will do so again this year, it is in the heart of the village and only about ten minutes from the school itself, contact Mrs. E. Plant, Bower Lodge, Well Lane, Repton, Derbyshire, DE15 6EY. Tel. 01283-702245. and I would advice booking early. 

I have had some recent requests from a couple of members, wanting copies of past newsletters, in fact I have for some time now been working on a "Hints and Tips" supplement for the Hand book, not quite finished yet though, but also an idea for a project after that, was a full data list of articles that have appeared in the newsletter, giving issue  number an dates, but I think for the present, your first port of call should be to your Area Co-ordinator together with an SAE, and a small copy charge. If this fails I would be happy to send them to you, under the same conditions, I have most of the newsletters, going back to some of the first ones, when the club was first formed, although  the technology is old hat now,they make quite interesting reading

Best Regards


Chairman's Comments 84 Editorial CRCMain

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