Sometimes it seems that things happen a little earlier each time round. Plants are flowering earlier, birds are rearing two or even three broods, rails buckle and the roads get sticky. It’s all the result of a general warming of the climate, some say. Global warming is the catch phrase. Well, maybe. Things do seem to be warming up but it’s not clear whether the “greenhouse effect” - another catchy phrase - has yet made itself felt, although it surely will.

These ramblings - more of which I will spare you - were triggered off by a recent message from Bill Reid to the effect that he was planning his holidays and how about me getting a move on with something for the next issue of the News. This, Dear Reader, is at the beginning of August and I haven’t yet seen the July issue, so if something I write in this issue contradicts what went before, I plead ignorance - as usual. 

Kevin, Bill and Roy Salmons are arranging for Roy to take on the job of Printer To The CRC so that Kevin can have a bit of leeway to allow some maintenance on the machinery. Kevin, the force behind Digital Design, has done a splendid job for many years, coping with the introduction of colour and the printing of quality B&W images in the News, so perhaps a bit of wear and tear is to be expected. I know you will all join me in thanking Kevin and his helpers for their work, not only for the printing, but also the folding and stapling which turn the printed pages into the familiar booklet. We are often too ready with the brickbats and too sparing with the bouquets, so I take this opportunity to formally record our thanks to Kevin for the work to date, and to Roy for taking on the work to come. This issue of the News should be the first to come from the Area 3+ Press. 

Now, it’s appeal time - again.. The Club needs a new Secretary. In the two previous issues of these notes, I have asked you to think about it. Your thinking time has almost run out. Yours truly leaves office (sounds a bit grand, does that, but you know what I mean) at the end of October. If nobody will take on the role, the Committee may have to start closing down the Club. If t you think o can help, PLEASE contact any Committee Member or Area Co-ordinator. NOW. We  have all gained from our membership of the club, in many cases over several years. It seems reasonable that we should be prepared to put something back.

The last word. I have delayed completing this piece in the hope that a volunteer would come forward (thanks to Roy Salmons for his forbearance), but nobody has. I am sure that there's a place for the C.R.C., but it appears that most f you don't agree. If no secretary means no Club, then this could be the last issue of the CRC News. I was going to say that the Committee will keep Area Co-ordinators informed of progress, but perhaps "progress" is not quite the right word, and I can speak for the Committee after October, but I am sure you get the message. 

From The Chemical Cupboard Editorial CRCMain

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