A Theatre Pipe Organ In The Country
 Pictured here from left to right - Tom Hoehn, the Bone Doctor, Johnnie June Carter, Bob MacNeur, Bob Davidson and Dennis Werkmeister.
Here, we see pictured from left to right - Tom Hoehn, the Bone Doctor, Johnnie June Carter, Bob MacNeur, Bob Davidson and Dennis Werkmeister. Dennis is the caretaker of the 3/12 Grande Page Theatre Pipe Organ. This photo was taken during a recent South Florida Organ Crawl, courtisy of Bob Davidson, Vice President of the American Theatre Organ Society.
 Pipe Organ Paradise, home of Johnnie June Carter where the 3/12 Grande Page Theatre Pipe Organ is installed.
This is the residence of Johnnie June Carter, which she has dubbed Pipe Organ Paradise, near Wimauma, eight miles east of Sun City Center, Florida. This wonderful home sits on seventeen acres of land that has a large fresh water lake in the back yard. Wimauma is aproximately 25 miles south of Tampa.
 The organ waterfall at the front entrance to Pipe Organ Paradise.
Here, we see the unique hand-built organ waterfall at the front entrance to Pipe Organ Paradise. Note the pipes behind the waterfall. The waterfall and the pipes, along with all the landscaping surrounding it, was constructed by her son Bill, who owns a company known as Peace Of Paradise Watergardens.
Peace Of Paradise Watergardens specializes in custom hand-made fountains, watergardens, aquascapes, fish ponds, streams, waterfalls, decorative walls and landscaping. The company offers free estimates and on-site consultation. You can contact Bill for your next project at:
Peace Of Paradise Watergardens 1-813-633-2056
Johnnie June has decorated her home inside and out with all kinds of objects de art, reflecting her deep love for the King of Instruments.
 The front porch at Pipe Organ Paradise.
Here, we are looking into the front yard at Pipe Organ Paradise from the large porch that stretches across the full length of this unique residence. Note the gazebo at the far end of the porch and the organ waterfall near the front door.
 The living room at Pipe Organ Paradise.
Here, we see the skylit living room at Johnnie June Cater's Pipe Organ Paradise. Between the many shows that are held here, the room is an excellent place to relax and enjoy the Florida countryside. Note the long, raised wooden walkway leading to the floating dock at the lakeshore, visable in the large three paned picture window below the matching sky lights.
 The dining room of Johnnie June Carter's fine home.
Here, we see the well appointed dining room of Johnnie June Carter's fine home, where many tasty home-cooked meals are served to the fans of her wonderful 3/12 Grande Page Theatre Pipe Organ installation. Johnnie June is an excellent cook and loves to share her hospitality.
 Johnnie June Carter's master bedroom.
Here, we see Johnnie June Carter's spacious master bedroom, featuring a beautiful herloom mahogany king-sized bed and velvet padded chair. This invitingly decorated room is a very cozy place to rest at the end of the day. It is one of three well appointed bedrooms at Pipe Organ Paradise.
 The lake in the back yard of Johnnie June Carter's residence.
Here, we see the large fresh water lake behind Johnnie June Carter's residence. Wildlife abounds here. Many times, birds and other creatures can be seen meandering about, without fear of the many fine folks who come from miles around to see and hear the wonderful 3/12 Grande Page Theatre Pipe Organ.
 Johnnie June Carter, Bob Davidson and Bob MacNeur listening to Tom Hoehn at the console of the 3/12 Grande Page Theatre Pipe Organ.
At Pipe Organ Paradise, live shows are held often. Here, we see Johnnie June Carter, Bob Davidson and Bob MacNeur listening to Tom Hoehn at the console of the 3/12 Grande Page Theatre Pipe Organ.
This gorgeous room is thirty feet wide and fifty feet long with a ten foot high ceiling. It can seat up to eighty people. The tables and comfortable padded chairs can be arranged to suit the needs of those who use the facility.
Pipe Organ Paradise is available for club meetings and special events. Johnnie June Carter not only loves to play the 3/12 Grand Page Theatre Pipe Organ, she also loves to hear it played. If you would like to see the organ or book the facilities for your next event, you can contact her directly by e-mail. Just click the link below:
Pipe Organ Paradise Ms. Johnnie June Carter E-mail - pipesb3@netzero.net