Tom Hoehn Gets Around!
Tom has performed on many Theatre Pipe Organs in his career, including the 2/7 Grande Barton at the York Theatre in Elmhurst, Illinois and the 3/10 Mighty WurliTzer at the Tivoli Theatre in Downers Grove, Illinois.
He also travelled to Mundelein, Illinois and played the 4/19 Howell WurliTzer at the University of Saint Mary-on-the-Lake, installed in the George Cardinal Mundelein Auditorium. The console for this organ was originally installed in the Chicago Theatre in Chicago, Illinois and was played by the legendary Jesse Crawford.
He has also played the world's largest privately owned Theatre Pipe Organ, the magnificent 5/80 Mighty WurliTzer installed at Jasper Sanfilippo's Place de la Musique in Barrington Heights, Illinois. This gigantic Theatre Pipe Organ was featured at Walnut Hill during the month of November, 2004.
 Tom Hoehn at the console of the J. Tyson Forker Memorial 4/32 Mighty WurliTzer
Tom performs for area and regional organ clubs throughout the state of Florida. Recently, he has expanded his coverage into other parts of the United States as well.
His concerts consist of a mix of show tunes, standards, and semi-classical music. He enjoys playing medleys of Broadway and movie musicals, novelty numbers, classical selections and hymn tunes.
Many times during a performance he will turn around to the audience and ask for requests. After getting three or four of them, he will proceed to weave them into a medley of from five to ten minutes in length. The audiences very seldom "Stump the Organist".
 Tom Hoehn at the console of the Tampa Theatre 3/14 Mighty WurliTzer
He has also played for pre-shows at the Tampa Theatre in Tampa, Florida on the 3/14 Mighty Wurlitzer Theatre Pipe Organ on Saturday afternoons and evenings, rising up on the lift out of the stage floor.
Read on to learn about Tom's involvement with The Festival of Trees and Lights.